I was just browsing in google on the topic "Depression" and one thing that caught my eye is that most of these sites are all filled in with the pics of women. Pausing here, what exactly does this mean?? Is it that its the women gender who mostly fall in for this disorder and not only that, are we all prone to a more frequent call from this one eyed monster. :-) wondering why I gave this description for this feeling wherein we feel pity on our own selves... If you ask me that exactly is the feeling of a depressed human being - just like a one eyed monster who is incapable of seeing the other side.. the other side of life.
Depression - I dont remember listening to any of my guy friends mentioning this as the reason for any of their action. Contradicting to this, all my female friends and for that matter myself, can always link this word to all the extra shopping, a palatte of pizza and ice cream or chocolate. I am just trying to wonder the reason for this. Why???
Okie lets look at this from a different angle. What happens to a male when he is upset? He might go take a smoke, a drink in the late hours of the day or may be a chat session with his pals over a coffee cup. What happens when a female is upset about something? A long time mourning is for sure along with shopping or extra calories :-) I am more concerned on the reason for this difference here rather than looking at the reactions itself. Women who are considered to have a better mental and spiritual strength than Men are more prone to these psychological disorders. And one question that needs attention here is "Is it because they are more aware of their feelings than the Men?"
Depression - I dont remember listening to any of my guy friends mentioning this as the reason for any of their action. Contradicting to this, all my female friends and for that matter myself, can always link this word to all the extra shopping, a palatte of pizza and ice cream or chocolate. I am just trying to wonder the reason for this. Why???
Okie lets look at this from a different angle. What happens to a male when he is upset? He might go take a smoke, a drink in the late hours of the day or may be a chat session with his pals over a coffee cup. What happens when a female is upset about something? A long time mourning is for sure along with shopping or extra calories :-) I am more concerned on the reason for this difference here rather than looking at the reactions itself. Women who are considered to have a better mental and spiritual strength than Men are more prone to these psychological disorders. And one question that needs attention here is "Is it because they are more aware of their feelings than the Men?"