Parting time - Farewells... they can always cast that gloomy spell around for a few days, I guess...
She's leaving today... leaving to get on with a new journey in life.
Okie... I know I need not make it all so very dramatic! Nisha's leaving her job and this town, for good and so from now on, I wouldn't have that double-head support on all those Palakkad slang's and dishes and etc etc... The day went on normal as any other and I guess the absence of something is what we come to realise later; when the day actually rises out with the person being completely absent around. (okie... now that is something that I have really got used to ...)
A farewell mail, a group lunch and quite a lot of those 'round the desk - along with coffee' conversations filled up the office hours, today. And yeah.. of course some of those last minute KT's too :D (cant ever be done with them, i guess)
And yeah... I got all hitched up when she mentioned about having a nice time with me around. hahahha... not very sure though as to what exactly she's learnt from me and which attitude of mine she's gonna carry ahead :D :P ;-)

And there... it happened.. as always, I remembered those days... my previous work places, the people who had always inspired me around (and yeah they all still do), the people who I had been thankful to be with, sharing those moments. Its always a great feeling for me when I can recollect about the past days of life, the people that I have crossed paths with, for whom I am always.. mostly always.. thankful for.
I don't think ever a person has moved away without having given a light touch inside my heart. And over here I am remembering that friend who always talked so much about people "ENRICHING" each other in LIFE. ( :D okie.. I admit I do miss getting into those endless conversations)