Well, work and home and my small kiddo kept me busy enough that I just couldn’t take out any time to blog. And the one thing that motivated me to manage to put up a post today is the product that I work for - Canvas .
When I came to Dubai, just as everyone else who has had a pretty wide background of working in India, I was worried on how I’ll manage to find a good work place. I was worried that – 1. I wouldn’t manage to get a proper pay scale and 2. What if the colleagues are reserved and apprehensive to change and improvement? My work tenure in India saw the peak of MNC working environment and all the need and urge for Quality assurance and improvements in processes. Guess that’s enough rationale for all my fears.
Fortunate enough I had my interview call soon enough and on the 14th day of my arrival to Dubai, I was already employed in one of the publication houses in Media City. I was glad that I will have my chances to be associated with art and the freakiness that comes along with that. I weaved the dream of writing my first official article some day in our magazine. I was happy and motivated and all set to start a new journey.
Reality!? My first 10 months were depressing and overwhelming. Never in the past had I worked under people whom I dint look upon or felt frustrating to be with. But most of the days I spent with Ex-(thank god for that!) Manager was discouraging and de-motivating. It was hard to believe that though I ended up getting a job in a place filled with paintings, design, artworks and books (which had always interested me); I was still sad and waiting to get out of that place. He sure must have been a good colleague to work along with, but never a good manager.
But, the fortunate being that I am, a lot of things changed in my dream company when I was away on maternity leave. The new F & A Controller on board was everything that I had always got used to. A person whom you can look upon and be inspired to learn. And it was then that I got my first chance to read Canvas. I fell in love with the articles and the artists and it was immediate. It’s the closest you can get for an artwork (which might cost you millions of dollars to acquire) I was in awe for the editorial team because the words pinned in those pages, actually took you to a different world – a world of art, pride of collectors and raw emotions of a naive artist.

As for me, its not these high end brands that we are associated with which matters. But its the way the magazine lets you connect with the artists, their opinions and the art itself that makes this experience special and enriching - be it a painting, a peice of metal work or jewellery.