Sometimes it's that vague memory of an early morning dream ....Or may be that final look in the mirror.... At times it's just the climate around....
The reason for the tinge of sadness that creep into our hearts can be endless and yet completely unknown. And many a times this unknown sadness can pull out the old forgotten sad moments from the past and also bring in an anguish about those waiting ahead, on the way forward.

Most of us do have a very well developed brain and so we can think, use logic, analyse situations and evaluate them. But surely we cannot associate any logic in that so called "No Mood" feel, that we sometimes get into. The walk in through these No Mood feelings are one on the chute and there are chances that we'll slip and fall back.
How can we avoid or rather come out of such "No Mood" 's
1. Talk about the best things that's happened to you.
2. Think about the most romantic/embarassing moment (any happy moment that can make you smile is fine.. i guess)
3. Take a walk.. Breathe in some of that fresh air
4. Tell yourself "Its all fine"... Isnt it?
5. Ask yourself.. Are u unhappy? (If its No - then move forward; If Its Yes - then work out on the problem)
Wat say? End of it all dont you think this 'No Mood' doesnt have much logic at all. How can anyone have absolutely No Mood. That's not possible right!!
So... What's your Mood today? Or you too have the same illusion like me - "No Mood"???
Dear, You are the one who dont have mood...espcially when we have to go for a wedding. so we (ur friends) decided to visit 'EVES'.
A friend of mine has given this link .....Damn good........Mind Blowing ...I don't find any other word to explain ...You rock !!!!
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