It’s freezing in here...
Oops.. no .. I am not writing this from some place in Canada; I am still in Kerala and the weather outside is just the right combination of cold and heat, because of the rains.
If the weather is so fine then why am I freezing this way!! The villain is the Air Conditioner in our office; the one that is located right above my head. Its been blowing so much of cool air that all the paper in my desk keeps flying. My fingers are frozen and don’t budge to move fast with the keys (keyboard) anymore. And, Yes, there's no way anyone can do anything about this situation around me, mostly because everyone else seems to be fine with the low temperature and then the A/C service guys have warned the Admin against making any changes to the existing temperature set up.
As for me, the only way to survive today is by covering myself with the duppatta. Empathetic friends :-) have inserted papers into the panel above to reduce the air blow.
There was just one question in everyone's eyes - How am I going to survive in Dubai if I cannot handle A/C temperature
I know I'll have a tough time when I land in Dubai and managing with Air Condition inside the house is among the majors. It's always been difficult for me to handle extreme cold (my extreme might be a normal one for you :P) While travelling in buses & cars, I prefer the wind from open windows than switching on the A/C. And on a rainy morning, my head hurts with the effort to breathe in some oxygen from the cool air outside. The short time that I was in Dubai, I used to switch off the A/C as soon as R leaves for work and I On them only just before he gets back home. If I have to spend a night in an A/C room, its nothing less than a nightmare. I'll have cover myself with 3-4 blankets to warm myself, enough to get a good sleep. I'll freeze (literally) otherwise :P
Hmmm.... Can you empathize with my situation? Is there a way out of this, so that I can master it before I land the All Air-Conditioned Dubai City.
So you are moving to Dubai. An unnecessary question ? Lol.. is it for good ?
OK as regards AC ..my wife used to suffer similarly.Two things she used to do..stuff a small cotton ball with a coat of Vicks or Amrutanjan !! The same Duppaatta technique to cover & of course in the night a vigorous rub of same , Am or Vi, on the feet & a nice woolen socks !!
She used to say it was great !!
Good luck for your Dubai adventure
yup :) for good.. am joining my husband there. Past 3 years we have been living in 2 diff countries.. so.. all excited to join him
:-) nice tricks.. will surely try all of them, so that I can survive in there.
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