Thursday, August 7, 2008

Being One with The Divine

As a kid I always wanted to lead a spiritual life and I had infact believed, like any other person, that leading a spiritual life would mean leaving all comforts in life and becoming a sanyasi. I did try my best to become one, but life had other plans.. to teach me what exactly spirituality, in its essence, mean.

I would like to share a story about Buddha, which my spiritual teacher had told . Some kids at that time wanted to know from Buddha what exactly it felt for him to be an enlightened person. So they invited him to have food at their house and then served him lot of fruits. The kids posed their question to Buddha and was eagerly waiting for reply. Buddha took an orange, silently peeled off the outer skin and started eating it piece by piece. Once he ate his lunch, he looked at the kids and told " this is what enlightenment means to me. When I took the orange, " I was taking the orange"; When I was peeling it " I was peeling the orange"; When I took the piece and ate " I was tasting the orange - the flesh inside and its juice". He further told that his state helps him to enjoy what he is doing. There is no gibberish going on in the mind.

Enlightenment is the state where the mind stops. You can no more multi task as the senses become slow in their functioning. But, the same time, this is not a state of immobility. Its just that the brain would concentrate more on the exact action that is done on a particular time and that in turn creates a joy in the hearts. Every action would create bliss; every thing would look new. The mind would stop doing the Right-Wrong, Good-Bad, I-You analysis and as a result you stop judging every action; every person and every situation in life. When there is no judgement passed, there is scope for only one single emotion and that is bliss... the eternal bliss of being one with nature; to be more simple - feeling one with the computer you stare everyday at.

Talking about the computers, how many of us would really have taken the time to look carefully at the system monitor. Does that give us joy in anyway; I am sure the answer would be a big NO. But once enlightened, looking at the silver lining and the black screen would generate so much of joy in us that there would be no scope for boredom. I guess all of you who are reading this will be thinking that I am talking fantasy. NO!! This is sheer reality and it has been scientifically proven that Enlightenment, the altered state of consciousness is an altered state of Human Brain also. There are lot of spiritual organisations working solely with this motive - to make the mankind Enlightened.

If the next question is Why? the answer goes like this. The human life is supposed to be a cycle of births and deaths. According to Hindu mythology every human is a part of the divine light. And at the end of each life cycle, its required that all the light particulars merge with the divine and be one with it. For this to happen, there should not be any feelings attached with the life that is already spent - namely anger, fear, wish, desire etc. Enlightenment is a state that helps man to free the human mind and as a result it breaks the attached strings of life from the Soul.

I guess this is too big a topic for me to handle in a single go and so let me put a period on this here, leaving you to wonder how it would be like to experience the state of altered conciousness.... As for me, I am waiting for the day when Enlightenment happens to me. What about you? Are you willing to receive it?

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