This is the first time I am using this service to write something and believe me, I did have a tough time sorting things out. May be that's one reason why all the authors get addicted to writing. It involves sorting out the minds of so many people whom you are fantasising about.. sorting out their thoughts, actions and results and end of it all a lifetime for the characters. I prefer reading more than writing .. its like peeping into someone else's life and knowing if its any better from yours.. ;) There is this book called the Third Eye that is written by Lobsang Rampa and it narrates the story of a small boy who became the Lama. It talks about that one eye which we all humans tend to forget about -- the inner eye.. the eye of our soul. When I was a kid I used to wonder how people could ever become sanyasi's and live a entire life of solitude. But the stories that I read never showed any of their frustrations, but instead it was all about their happiness and content in lives. I wonder if any man in today's world can ever feel as contended as them. Lets take Ramana Maharishi for example. In his last days he even forgave his food and clothes. Can any man in today's world do that.. give away things that is so dear to us. May be that's why we are never free.. we never feel free at heart and hence there is no freedom outside also for us. When Gandhiji fought so much for India's freedom. little would he have thought that the future Indians, specially the youth of the 21st century is going to have nothing of that word inside them-- freedom of the soul. There are many people who are talking about it, including me, but how many of us are really able to get past that glass door and enjoy our life and experience the freedom and joy??? Today, having lived for a quarter of it, I am wondering.. why is it so difficult to live or is it that I am making it so difficult. Why is it that I tend not to enjoy the little moments which this world has given me, why is it that I forget about the five senses that god gifted me so that I can see, taste and feel the life and the colors and the happiness around me ...
End of it all... I am wondering... am I really living or am I already DEAD!!!!!
what a beautiful entry.
life pushes us forwards whether we want to go with it or not. the passing moments are the colors in which the pictures are painted on our consciousness. i've come to see how we exist in many different places at once and you can open that 'inner eye' to see where the imbalance is in your life...
is that what you mean when you say you're overwhelmed by the prospect of life? it is hard to find the point of balance inside all the noise that composes you.
i can really relate to what you're saying. there doesn't seem to be enough reality for everyone and i'm stuck at the outer edge, trying to claim my own space in all the madness.
Hi Sandya,
I was just going through most of your archives,a quick run thru to be honest.
You have completed 50 and going strong. each one of your post was so gentle & some touching..
you have a great flair to write & you have already completed 50 .proves that.
Scrolling back all of them I have landed on your first one and chose to comment in this
Great posts so far & keep going. Its very nice,each one of them
Thanks CU :=)
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