Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"That was just a TOT"

As you can see I have changed my blog spot background and all the fonts and colors. :-D

And then there was this one more thing that I had to change. I come to the Edit Layout page and poofff...!!! (scratching my brains...) Just can't remember what I wanted to do... why did I come here?? What did I think about, just a fraction of a second back... oops.. I cant remember.. !!!

Have you ever faced such things??? You go to the store and then suddenly you remember that you have to take this one thing too and you get walking to that section and poof.. u blink at the things around you trying to recollect what you wanted to take.. :D it happens to me many a times and this is what I found in the net


Memory Disorder ....... While not a disorder, a common temporary failure of word retrieval from memory is the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.....

The tip of the tongue (TOT or Tot) phenomenon is an instance of knowing something that cannot immediately be recalled. TOT is an experience with memory recollection involving difficulty retrieving a well-known word or familiar name. When experiencing TOT, people feel that the blocked word is on the verge of being recovered. Despite failure in finding the word, people have the feeling that the blocked word is figuratively "on the tip of the tongue." Inaccessibility and the sense of imminence are two key features of an operational definition of TOT's


So what about you??? Suffering from TOT's??? ;-)

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