(at times, once in a while, its okie to praise yourself and to feel gr8 about something you did... that wouldnt count to boasting.. isn't it... hehehe)
They say that Experiences is what makes a Person Perfect and my Guru used to tell me that, only a person who's undergone the suffering can and only will be able to relate to another man's pain. He used to tell that its the experiences in your life that teaches you about the vulnerability of a lifetime and the peace of eternity. As for me, my Dreams still remain the same, as it was 5 years back, though, the path I knew once so clearly is no more certain. But the human in me still continue to dream, dream of that one day when life is blissful and love is the only known feeling, for me and all others around.
Many of them might not agree much with me but still, I would always stand upto say that Women is a very powerful creation of God. I beleive that women do have the capacity to design and live a life that they want to, and not only the earthly beings, even the heavenly ones, cannot pose an obstacle for this. I dont know how many of us beleive, feel or rather, atleast know that we, women, are the abode of all love, spirituality and knowledge. May be because people tend to mistake women's patience as her fragility, her strength and fearlessness as self-indulgence or immorality, her knowledge and power as stubborness. I wouldn't say women never make mistakes, but what makes them a better being is the learning that happens naturally for every one of them, after those experiences. They evolve from their mistakes thereby gaining in more strength and vision on life. After all is that not the purpose for living a lifetime? To evolve as greater human beings so that once we leave this mortal body its easier to merge in with that eternal one. (Many of you might not agree with me. Please note that this is MY personal opinion and no offense to anyone :) )

During this short span, I have come across a variety of people and among them the ones I keenly observe is another women, obviously. There were girls (yes.. girls!!) who managed to understand the higher truths at a very earlier stage of their lives. They, even today, somehow manage to keep their connecting links alive, gaining more knowledge, patience and walking their way to that eternal love. The same time there have been a few of those who never knew what it was all about and they survived on the crumbs and morsels left behind. They never managed to have anything on their own, not even a thought and at those times I did try my best to empathise with these alike. But again, as my Guru would comfirm, it was only when I walked that path once did I realise the amount of the pain in which they actually lived in. And then, I wrote in stoned letters inside my heart "Life's experiences are it's best teachers"
Again, there were those few who left their flowery trails when crossed path with mine. Those are the times when you learn, you try to imitate and implement their philosophies in your own life and then take that one step ahead in the forward go. Still were some of those women/girls who just passed by, for I beleive that there might not have been any connectiing destiny with me rather than a casual meeting.
They say that for a women, she's taken care of by her father in her childhood, by her husband in her adolescence and her son in old age. Many people have interpreted this message to tell that women needs to be supported all her life. But through my eyes, when I look at this message, I feel that they just intended to convey that for a Women, she inherits her father's legacy in her childhood, her husband's heritage in adolescence and in her old age she passes on the combined inheritance to her sons. Who else is better capable to perform this task of passing on the culture and traditions to another generation??
I am not sure how many of you will come across this posting of mine. But whoever you are, the only message I want to convey is dont ever underestimate the women of your life. She's been born with Spirituality, is capable of actually Living a Thought and can Pass this power onto the Generations coming forth. "Respect Women and your Sufferings shall End" is the great saying. Practice it so that there will be those seeds of heaven sown on earth too...
If you are a guy --> * Share your dreams with your mother or wife for they have the ability to turn these Dreams into Reality.
If you are a girl --> * Wake up.. Get connected.. HE shared his powers with you, for You were the chosen one for HIS mission.
Congrats Sandy on your 50th Blog..
Each man is or should be looking for a woman who corresponds to him. Who shares his dreams, goals, and desires, who supports him, who shares many of his attributes and complement him...Women plays a vital role in the life of every man........
Hiii sandya.....read ur 50th blog.....nice one...this blog reminds me the saying...BEHIND EVERY MAN'S SUCCESS THERE IS A WOMAN......but MEN wont accept this fact and Woman's acceptance of men's non acceptance of woman is impossible...sorry for confusing you..hehehehehe
Thanks both of u :-)
Surely, only when a man and a woman share their dreams and goals and work together, will they become a reality in life.
And Lakshmi, behind every man's success there is a woman and
"Behind every woman's realisation of herself, there is a Man". Only a combination of both would bring in completeness, ofcourse :)
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