Protiens.. Vitamins.. Minerals... Carbohydrates.. Fat... !!!!!
If not for my friend, I would never have known the difference between all these things for all that I learned in the Science text books is long forgotten. But again, I would rather say I was forced to re-learn all this cos this "L" is a Diet Freak (oops .. sorry.. but yeah You are!!!)
During weekends she starts off for a walk and 'lol'... she gets back with apples, oranges, gr
apes etc.. etc.. the list goes on. And what more?? Every morning when am busy getting ready to office, she'll be happily sitting with her apples and grapes, enjoying them. All that is fine and I have no issues with her love for fruits. The tragic part is when she forces me to eat them. Imagine... !!! Apples and oranges and grapes.. Early in the morning... Oooh!!!!

Okie, I know its very healthy but sorry I am just not that type. I would rather prefer a creamy chocolatty pastry, but not apples and grapes as first thing in the morning.
But again, she leaves me no other choice and so I am forced to go on a healthy way, for now :-(
Handsome doctors, please forgive me.. Its not me. My buddy is just not leaving me a choice!
{** 3 more and I'll make it to 50 blogs.. countdown begins!!!}
1 comment:
I agree, being healthy is tough. I love fruits, but the thing is when I am hungry I cant think of fulfilling my need with a fruit, i want something oily, sweet, or savory! A fruit? Ugh ...boring. I have become better however, and slowly adding some more healthy items to my diet.
I give myself 2300 points for effort! :) You should give yourself a few too.
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