Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I hope it remains Simple

Never knew how days passed by so quickly. Almost a month and a half over since I started travelling up and down on weekends. Now its time to fall back into the normal routine of waking up in the hostel room without having anything to look forward to do during the weekends. Just hoping full heart that the time continue to fly in the same speed, so that the day would come soon when I can also give the leave notice at the hostel reception.

If I do a recap of the whole visit inside my mind, it was a mixture of almost all known emotions - excitement, anticipation, surprise, resentment, anger, tension, fear, peace, war and love... (hehehe) Certain bonding which were expected to have been completely split off were joined back in full force. Certain surprises meant that the much awaited changes in behaviour is actually being implemented. Certain feelings opened the doors to new emotions and understanding. I just wish that life flows just as smoothly as it is now, forever. A little tide up and low, now and then, but nothing major enough to leave an impact forever

Life.. my dear "Life".. please do remain Simple... just as You are Now.. it helps me.. :-)

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