I am wondering how to start this rather serious topic, but ofcourse my writing skills are so limited and hence may be I just have to keep it simple and go straight to what I want to put in. Actually, not quite sure how many of us sit back and think the reason for most of our actions, words and thoughts ( am putting it in the reverse order here!) And one thing that pains my heart is when I see people with insecurity. Its not that I am exempted from this feeling, but most of the times, one dip and 'll be fortunate enough to detect them deep inside the heart. But it surely pains me to see that person out there, who is so wonderful, who is gifted with all wonderful things, but still none of that is of use to them as they are filled with insecurity. To such an extent that anyone who looks up can easily describe them in 2 words - insecurity personified. It looks like the absence of content is not just enough and the worst is when they crave for attention and love outside and end up being looked at with contempt.
Seeing them sometimes I regret for the day today. Ofcourse, I cannot go back to those old days when helping these disturbed souls was a mission in life. But still want to do something to help them out there.. so that by the end of it, the path would take a turn and shows me, myself, the way! Here I have just one wish - let Love fill itself in all the wounded hearts and let Joy be the only known emotion. Let all pain and sorrow turn into learning, knowledge and finally into great Peace!
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