Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's essential that a part of you to not grow up

It's essential that a part of you to not grow up.

Isn't that a much thought provoking statement? I guess so.. Its with growth that learning happens and with learning comes analysis and then every analysis ends up in a statement of yes or no Or a right or wrong. The innocence and the much known feeling of love is overpowered with other grave feelings as we grow up. With growth comes endless need for focusing on increasing the growth itself. And may be that's why its required to keep something back there, in the same old fashion, so that it remains untouched by all prospects of growth and development.

This would be one statement that stands true to all kinds of growth - growth of nations or economy or individual. That one part of it, which is held back, might be the one that help sustain the balances. The existence of the past helps to acknowledge the present and create that one grateful feeling; within an individual and also in and all around. It is very much required to unwind sometimes, to get the view of a that one path with a better or may be, the best growth prospects.


Compassion Unlimitted said...

Very true..if one part of us,especially that of childhood ,does not grow,so much of that innocence will be beautiful life would be without complications !!
Very nice post

SandyaS said...

CU: Truely said. If ony we could retain the innocence of childhood all through the times of our life!

Thanks for ur comment :-)