Friday, January 30, 2009

What do they deserve?

I was browsing through my usual reading list and there was this new post from CU. A very touching and thought provoking anecdote, ofcourse. It’s really sad sometimes to see that the children when they grow up consider it rather easy to move away from their home than to move along.

I remember the story I had heard as a kid – of a father, child and the grandfather and am wondering if this is one battle, among many, which Man tends to embrace for passing over to the generations ahead. And as if to prove that it is, we have many a live examples of such parent’s whose efforts in bringing up their children are ignored or easily forgotten.

At times, this generation consider it more easy to close their eyes off on the struggle that each parent takes for giving the best education possible or a decent dowry. And once settled the receiving end goes on with their own individual family chores, for they would have borne with the generation next, thereon moving onto the next phase.

So then, what happens to the age old parents at this point of time? By the time the son is settled with a good job, or the daughter is married away, they would have obviously spared with almost the entire income earned during the time and then at the age of 50-60, they are forced to struggle more so that they can earn enough to support themselves. There was this Uncle whom we knew as a family and he had got his daugther married off by the last year of his service. After the wedding, the daughter had accompanied her husband abroad. Once we were just passing by and we saw this uncle doing labor work for a building and all of us stood shock still. It was equally painful for all to see him having ended up in that situation at his age, just so that he can pay off the loans he took for his daughter's wedding.

I guess its important for every one of us to put some thought into this and evaluate their feelings towards the older ones. And also ask this one question to yourself

“Will you want your child to abandon you at the old age?”

If the answer is “No” then,

“Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you”

Again, over here am just not supposing to tell that every one of the generation today is part of above mentioned category.

There are many who happily help and support their parents at every turn of their life and sometimes they even include the near and dear ones under their wings. There are many who easily give forth a helping hand to the unknown ones too. And surely it has to be the existence of this other half that is helping the Nature and Mother Earth to sustain itself without venturing into that one time, total destruction of the inhuman human kind.

1 comment:

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Hey that was nice of you to have referred my post.Thanks a lot
Yes its a question how the developing nuclear families are going to carry on their elders,not considering them as burden but as bundles of love
Nice write Sandya