It was destiny that our paths had to cross in this journey of life!
My friends and colleagues here in Tvm would tell that am very "filmy" when it comes to romance, celebrating occasions, etc etc etc. But this was not the case 6 years back, when the fragrances of love and romance remained all buried up, deep down in me. And thaaat was exactly when I met her. Working in the same office and though elder to me, she connected with my thoughts at all levels. Those were the days of learning for me and so a lot of her ideologies and outlook about life influenced me and became part of my thinking.
It was she who brought in the thoughts of romance and wedding within me and it was looking at her marriage that I started believing in the existence of perfect couples. And from her I learned all about celebrations, surprises, care and concern. (So.. what I intend to say is that... she's the one responsible for all the filmy things i do now :D hahaha)
Ask about people who have had an impact on me in life and her name would top the list. Even today, when life stumbles upon at times, thoughts of her or a conversation with her on phone, would revive all the energy back in. I want to thank you today, Sobhu.. for being there. Its really a great feeling to think that you are out there always... ever approachable.

Sobhana... Its her birthday today and she has lot of reasons to celebrate her life. Her love for life - Vinu, parents, brother and sis in law makes her life complete and the recent entry of the little one has only highlighted the happiness in her life.
This is for you Sobhu... my gift on your b'day to tell you that even if I don't call you, or mail you.. you are still there in my thoughts always... :-)
You are lucky..People,no souls, cross our paths & when we strike friendship, its a beautiful relationship one builds & enjoy every minute of rest of our lifes journey.
Both of you ,are lucky to have struck a nice chord of friendship
thanx sandya...4 everything ,everything and everythng...
trust me, i never knew tht i was so nice till i met u (and till u told me )... i feel good and proud too,when u say i kindled some wonderful emotions within u ... atleast i have been of some use and help to someone as kind and precious like u ,in this BIG SMALL world....
and abt the blog, well u are such a grt writer man!!!!!!!!!!!!no wonder then tht simon paul could sense ur "creative "skills long back ...hats off sandya... and yaah,thanx 4 adding my photo too ... i am so happy ...this is my greatest b'day gift .... thanx ...
i love u too sandya ,just as much and as much...
and thanx 4 being there 4 me too bcoz we shud both be there 4 each other always...always...
bye and love u ...
good blog.
Sandy you are a brilliant writer.. keep writing dear and i ll miss your blogs :-(
CU: Thanks for reading through.I truely beleive that am luck when it comes to "Friends" in life.
Abhi: Thanks for stopping by :-)
Paru: You wouldn't miss them as I'll contnue sending the links :D
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