I have been tagged by Reflections to jot down 25 random things about me. Since this is the first time am getting tagged on something, I was in full spirits to go ahead on this one.
Now the rules - Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to link the person who tagged you.
And as to why I have tagged you, its 'cos I would like to know more about you.
Okie... so here goes those little details about me :D
1. Favourite Music – chanting, anything soft, slow and melodious
2. Books – I enjoy reading Mills & Boons and I can also enjoy reading serious stuffs like The Unconsoled & Life After Death and all that. But Fairy Tales, Amar Chitra Katha and Romantic Novels are my all time favourites.
3. I have been wearing glasses right from the age of 13 – Concave Lens
4. Love anything and everything in chocolate flavour ;-) - ice cream, chocolates, pastries. I had this wish to have one full chocolate cake some day and for my last b'day my friends out here made this wish come true. I had almost 3/4th of a chocolate cream cake in one sitting... sluurrpp!!
5. Dress – favourite is Saree and Kurta Pyjamas. And one day I want to get into that perfect shape so that I can wear a Lehenga
6. There are these few days when I get into this Eating Spree and then, once it sets off in my mind and stomach, I can go on eating and eating and eating for the whole day…… But since it’s very seasonal it almost goes unnoticeable and my mom continues to tell that I eat very less :D
7. I had weighed 60-62kgs for almost like 10 years and then suddenly in a span of a year and a half I gained 10 kgs.
8. Though I can eat anything that’s served on a clean platter in a Restaurant, I have many a preferences when it comes to home food. I don’t eat boiled onions cut squarely, boiled brinjal (fried one will go in one gulp), lady’s finger, carrot, pumpkin, beans that's cut 1 inch size etc etc.. the list can go on and on.
Unless the food looks good (Very important), smells good (too important) and tastes good (important) I wouldn’t touch it. Again one exception here is, if the food is cooked by a person whom I like and love, then however the smell is and the looks are, I would happily wolf.
9. When I was in school I used to have this aluminium box with all the kitchen items and I had loved playing with them for a very long time. I guess I have it all even now at home. I used to have these mud pots also in which many a times I have cooked rice and made sweet kheer, lighting up a brief fire underneath.
10. For a very long time, for almost like 15 years, I used to address God as “ambaatti” and I remember this one time when my mom asked me to say sorry to God for doing something wrong and then I went upto the Krishna Idol and said “Ambaatti.. ennodu kshamikkane” (God.. pls forgive me) My mom who was all red with anger bursted out laughing then.
11. I have this habit called “chundu kudi” You might have seen small kids sucking their thumbs and then as they grow up they leave this habit. I had the habit of holding onto cotton clothes and fidgeting with the cloth to get into sleep and somehow I couldn't outgrow this habit. And so even today, at the age of 28, I still continue to rub my fingers on a cotton cloth when I get to sleep or when am sleepy :D
12. My wardrobe is full of Cotton dresses (except the 3-4 chiffon material salwars/tops that I have) and I prefer wearing only and only Cotton stuffs. Partly cos of comfort and mainly cos of my habit of holding onto the material when am all sleepy.
13. I had started dancing right from the age of 5 years and I learned it for almost like 9 years from then on. But by the time I really understood the value of the art form, I got busy with studies and then work and then a life. One of my dreams in life includes doing that one performance where in I can forget the whole world around me and completely immerse in the dance and feel the purity of love filled in it.
14. Very quick in decking up and shopping! No spending hours in getting ready for a wedding and similarly, no hours spent on shopping things that I really need. I go in and then come out happily, successfully in less than half an hour ;) - make up room or a cloth shop.
15. I fantasise this dream where am living in a backward area in the North of India, teaching in a small school and my house filled with kids (almost 20) and their prams and toys.
16. Ask me about the best of my friends, and I would say its in odd no. progression - A single one became 3 and now 5, with time and years.
17. I have loved 2 Guys in my life – I got married to One and the another continues to be my love for lifetime. Am talking about God ;-) (hahaha) and for me, HE’s a person fully alive in my thoughts, helping me out in all the turns and twists of life. And HE loves me and only me the most! ;-)
18. Craziest thing that I have done – I drank a Can Beer while travelling in KSRTC Bus in Trivandrum at 7 in the evening. Is'nt that a crazy thing for a girl to do???
19. Most proud thing - No regrets for any of the decisions that I have taken in life; believe me, I have taken quite a few at my own risk. Only at one instance I ended up hurting another person in the course of my stubbornness and that’s my Better Half. I was stubborn enough to marry him and try to lead a happy life :D But surely it was worth the effort and so I can tell - not a single regret in life.
My Motto - Everything that happens in life is for a Reason and is the Best - the Perfect thing!
20. One thing am very sure of not doing ever in my lifetime is driving a Car. So bad at the directions and roads that am sure if I get out, it’ll only be a nuisance for everyone out there on the road.
21. I can get excited for anything and everything happening around me. The reasons can be endless and silly – wedding for a known one, baby, job... anything and everything good that’s happening around can make me all excited. And when I say excitement it’s the heights of it as my friends have had tough times calming me down.
22. At one point I had thot that I wanted to become a Painter and had actually tried to sketch out the cover page of the book “The Mother” The sketch is still there in my belongings and that’s the one and only sketch that I made ever. Anyways, the sketch does have a close resemblance to the cover page and so any time I want, I can actually, consider this as a serious career option ;-)
23. I have stored all the greeting cards that I received till now from loved ones and close ones. Still have my slam books of 10th and 12th standard; Love letters, Love cards and every thing of care, concern and love that I have received till date.
24. My first job that I did was to sell out Dictionaries. Not a perfect job for a person who was pursuing CA, but at that time being on my own was the priority and so I got into this job of going from house to house and sell dictionaries. Did that for 2 weeks and by then I got an accounting job in one among the best Advertising Agencies in India. I still in keep in touch with few of those people that I had met then, who had bought the books just to have a good conversation with me.
25. Basically am a silent person. If am talking too much then it only tells that either am too excited about something or am too depressed and sad about something.
ooohh.. finally I finished my part! Surely a tiring task to write down about yourself :-)
And now to the next part of the story - am tagging all these people to write about themselves
(did u think I was going to spare you guys..? surely not.. hahahaha)

“Ambaatti.. ennodu kshamikkane”
awwww sweeet:-)!!!!
My daughter has the habit of holding her ear before she goes to sleep:-P
U shd puruse painting if u think u r good at it...it is a gift from God.
Thank you, Sandya!
Have a great day!
Sandhya, thanks for tagging me. I will be posting about it soon. It was very interesting to read through your post. Especially drinking can of beer and travelling through KSRTC , that too in tvm :D ....
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