The "L" who kept torturing me with her nutrition talks :=), who listened to all my cribs and cries, who shared the good and bad times for last 3 years, is on her way home for the greatest time in the life of a girl - her Wedding!!
Wedding - when life changes for everyone, with that one additional person coming in to share your sorrow and joy; to hold hands with you and walk through, together, the difficult of the paths; to share a lifetime growing, giving, receiving and then finally, that one fine morning relaxing over a coffee or a breakfast, to look behind and enjoy the whole ride together and appreciate one another for being there; for holding on!
Weddings still gives me that goose bump all over and more than the gala that accompanies the occasion, it is the subtle promises that the Bride and the Groom shares between each other silently, that touches my heart.
In today's life, must be with the changing lifestyle and evolution of men and women, the promises they share don't hold good for much long time.
But knowing the better of, I pray and hope that Let all the Blessings and Love be showered on these 2 people who are close to my heart; that Let them walk through, till the End of this Path, together and holding each other.

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