Monday, February 23, 2009

HIS Wish or ...?

Right from childhood I have listened to many of them heave a sigh and talk about destiny and the God's Will in our life. At every turn of life, for all given situations most people tend to pacify themselves telling that "yes, this is what it is all about" and "this is what is fate" or "this is what is HIS wish for our life" Ofcourse, I am not exempted of this and at many a turn, I myself have kept the inner self all motivated telling that this is the best situation and the perfect one.

But it was very recently that I got to know the real difference of the feeling. The time when my better half had to take leave; the moment when I stood out there facing the whole reality of the situation, I don't know but somehow, somewhere deep down there, I knew that it was the most perfect moment of my life. On a retrospect, I found myself all calm and quite, accepting it as if all this while my heart and soul was getting trained to take this one situation in chastity.

And then I understood how the feeling is when things happens in life, according to HIS will. You just take it in fully completely without regrets. And when I say regrets, it doesn't meant that you'll happy or overjoyed or in bliss. You are sad but that sadness does not bring in craving or pity. It is just that after a point the sadness within, seeps into that abundant silence and then everything becomes completely silent all around leaving you with just a drop of hope inside.


Compassion Unlimitted said...

Its a sort of numbness, isnt it ?

Reflections said...

I believe in his Will implicitely but I also believe that God helps those u who help themselves.