Some Like Wooden Ship,
Some Like Silver Ship,
Some Like Gold Ship,
But I only Like FriendShip
There are many a lines of the similar kind filled in my autograph books of Xth and XIIth standard. Then, we had bid goodbye to each other, with tear filled eyes and a promise to keep in touch. But as days went by and life moved ahead, somewhere the connecting wires crossed ahead and parted in different directions, leaving behind some beautiful memories of innocence.
Why all this flash back is cos yesterday I got to talk to my age old friend - she was "my best friend" from 4th standard till 10th. After school we were in touch for few years and then whoosh!!!... looking behind we had no idea where the link had broken loose. Talking to her after almost 13 years was like digging into the core of our brains and remembering the school days once again. And what made me more happier was that I didn't get drained away at the end of the conversation
( I usually do get that feeling.. Sometimes, how much ever you try, it becomes difficult to connect back to people, even if you have been close to them during those early days)
I was happy, contended and more over felt at peace knowing that all those people are still there around, to whom I can just turn back and hold hands with. As for her, she's managed to remain just the same, bossing around me, telling me what to do and what not do!! (oh pls.. not after all these years... ;D but I really loved the way she did that, for it proved that time haven't changed anything much)
Sometimes, certain relationships, no matter how much the distance is or how much you have stayed away; Somewhere around the corner, you once again bump into them and more comforting it is, when you know that you can still cling on to those links and welcome them with open arms and a warming heart.

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