On St. Valentine's day, the lovely sun,
Carrying along its lighted candle,
Made its way that fine dawn, not long ago,
Into my locked chamber, all in secret.
The gleaming brightness that it brought therein
Awakened me then from the sleep of Care,
In which I had been drowsing all night long
While lying on the bed of Painful Thought.
That day as well, to share out their booty
Of the benefits of Love, all the birds
Did assemble, who, speaking their language,
Cried out loud, demanding the provision
That Nature had ordained to serve them all:
This was a mate, as each had made their choice.
With their noise I could not fall back asleep
While lying on the bed of Painful Thought.
Then, with hot tears moistening the pillow,
I bemoaned all my bitter destiny,
Saying: “Birds, I see you on the pathway
Of all things that please, with joy expectant.
You each have a companion who suits you,
And I have none, for Death, betraying me,
Took my mate, so I languish all in pain
While lying on the bed of Painful Thought.
May the men and women of love's party
Be granted their St. Valentine this year!
Alone I remain, bereft of comfort
While lying on the bed of Painful Thought.
???????? What are you gifting your Valentine?? :-)

& that was a nice poem..You must have done a real research to get one poem like that unless you are a student of Literature !
hahaha.. thanks CU :)
Not a literature student, but I guess if you have Time and Google, then all info you want is right up there.
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