To be in Good health is one thing that is very important for the lifestyle and situations that we have today. With the constant run that we all do in our everyday life, it sometimes is impossible to remain sick or to take a days rest in bed.
Ben Franklin once quoted like this - “While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us”
It’s really essential to understand our body and relate to the many changes that it keeps undergoing. And I would vouch for the fact that, even if you take your time to once in a while touch and hold yourself, specially your arms, legs, eyes etc and thank them for helping you to carry out your daily activities, it just wouldn’t count as insanity. But instead these organs of our own body might end up stretching themselves inorder to help us in carrying on with our will and vision for the future.
I have come across many a people who’ll start to feel down and low as soon as they are diagnosed with diseases – small or big. But in my own experiences, I have witnessed the extent to which a body can actually rise up, to your expectations from it; if only you would spend sometime understanding it’s problem and make that effort to get the body relax itself. The end result for that little pampering you give would be a tremendous recovery from what ever it is – the disease that’s beaten you up.
Mostly we never understand this different but yet intertwined concept – you, your mind, your thoughts, your body. When each of these aspects retains their own individuality, it is their combined efficiency that makes the “You”. And this is exactly the reason why we don’t have the right to take it for granted these individual aspects or rather, it turns out to be a responsibility on our part to tender to each of their distinct requirements.
It’s obviously impossible for any person to keep their body devoid of any forms of disease. But it is the tender care that we are able to give for the affected part, which would help an easy recovery and a complete revival. At times, just like a naughty child, this body of ours also would have that tendency to go haywire and behave unreasonably for the situation. And then is the time for us to gulp in the power of our will and bring in a bit of strictness and rigour into our routine.
In the current day life, where most of us have chosen to park ourselves in front of the computer screens, the most of our will power is required to get that lazy body of ours exert a little.
Bernard Shaw Quotes on Health "Use your health, even to the point of wearing it out. That is what it is for. Spend all you have before you die; do not outlive yourself."

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